Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time Flies..........

Yesterday, marked one month since we brought our sweet Aubrey Grace home. She has changed and grown so much in this past month. When we first brought her home she was not sitting up on her own and now she is. She has also mastered the army crawl and can get from one place to another rather quickly. She still has eight teeth although it looks like another two are trying to break through on her top. When we first brought her home she was eating just a bottle every four hours, and now she happily enjoys three meals a day in which she eats two jars of food at each sitting. She has put on at least two more pounds, obviously she was more than ready for food!!! She loves to sleep and takes two good naps a day ranging anywhere from 1 to 2 hours.She loves her big sister Abby and our cat Lilo. We are so blessed with our two children, and thank God daily for the miracles he works. Sean and I just can't believe how perfectly she fits into the family, it is as if she was always here. It has been so much fun watching her little personality unfold. Here are a few pictures of our last month together, hope you enjoy them!!!!

1 comment:

Rach@In His Hands said...

Hi there...thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm glad you introduced yourself. :-)

Your daughter is gorgeous! Happy One Month home!

How about the letter T?!
