Friday, February 6, 2009

"T" is for............

"T" is for....

Here are the rules:

If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on. Rachel gave me the letter "T". Here goes....

TOGETHER: I am thankful that God brought Sean and I together. We are coming up to our eight year wedding anniversary and a total of 14 years together. I am fiercly in love with my husband and he truly is my best friend.

TIME: I am thankful to have time with my beautiful family. I am thankful that my family treasures family outings, as well as just hanging out together at home.

TEACHING: I can't think of a more important job. Each and everyday I have a chance to motivate, inspire, guide, and help the next generation become the best of the best.

TRIPS: While Sean and I usually don't travel we have been blessed lately and have been able to take a few trips. Here are our last two trips see if you can identify where we went.

THE TWILIGHT SERIES: O.k. I admit it I am an addict (thanks Natalie). By far the best series of books I have read in a long time.

THANKSGIVING: Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Being an Italian anything that revolves around food is great in my book. I love sitting down with the whole family and sharing one thing I am thankful for. This year Sean and I were thankful for our family as well as the wonderful gift that was waiting for us in Korea.

TRADITIONS: I feel traditions are very important to our family. Our Christmas tradition has always been to spend Christmas Eve with my family, Chistmas night with Sean's and Christmas morning is all ours. We wake up to Abby's excitement when she sees what Santa has left and tiredly join in her excitement. I can't wait to hear the giggles of joy from two little girls as they see what has been left for them.

T.V.: While I really don't watch that much of it I still have my favorites. Here our my top two:

TRICK OR TREATING: I love Halloween because I get to dress Abby up, and experience the holiday through her eyes. I can't wait for this year, any suggestions on what Aubrey should be dressed as?

TRUTH: No matter how hard it is to hear or accept, it is always important to use and grow with.

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