Thursday, February 26, 2009


As many of you know I am not very good with up and coming technology. The blog in itself was very hard for me to figure out. Anyway my birthday is coming up, not very excited about getting closer to 30 but I guess it was bound to happen (29 this year not 30). This is the first year where I actually have an idea of two things I would like an IPod and a Wii Fit. I have been using the treadmill lately for more than just a clothes hanger yeah. However, I am not enjoying the 15 year old Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul c.d.s so I thought it might be time to join the 21st century and get an IPod. On the other hand the Wii Fit looks very enticing and almost makes exercise look fun (if there is such a thing). So I am turning to you for advice and your opinion, please cast your vote to the right on our sidebar. Thanks!!!


Nicole said...

I can't vote... I don't have either an iPod or a Wii anything (though I suppose that's a bit disingenuous as I do have an iPhone...). If you're working out at home, you could just use iTunes from your computer (that's what I do). I find it rare that I desire any particular music on demand while I'm out. So I guess I'm voting for the Wii. We're going out of town for two weeks, but let's get together at the end of March!

Xira Hardt said...

Hi Monique,

It's me Xira. I am so happy for you and your family, I would like to get back in touch with you and see how things are going. I am on Facebook, see if you can set up a profile there or email me at
Hope to hear from you soon...
Miss you,

Monique said...

I am so excited to hear from you Sean and I were just thinking about you. I want to hear all about you and your family and what you have been up to these past years. As you can see our family has grown and what an amazing gift she is from God. I believe I opened a facebook account, but as you have read I am not great with technology. I can't wait to catch up with you.
Talk with you soon,